5th Triennial IAACS Conference – Register for Kitigan Zibi Algonquin Community Visit

IAACS has organized two buses to take conference delegates to the Kitigan Zibi Algonquin community on the morning of May 26, 2015. The buses will leave campus in front of Lamoureux Hall at 7:30 a.m. and return to campus for 2:00 p.m. The trip will include a visit to the Kitigan Zibi Cultural Centre as well as the Kikinamadinan School (see http://kzadmin.com/). During the 90-minute bus ride, delegates will be able to enjoy the beautiful countryside. Each of you will have a unique opportunity to learn more about this Algonquin territory, its history and communities who have lived across it since time immemorial. Continue reading

5e conférence triennale de l’IAACS : Bourse de mobilisation des savoirs pour étudiantes et étudiants des cycles supérieurs

Rayonnez et faites circuler les idées ! La date limite pour poser sa candidature est le 15 mai 2015.

La Société canadienne pour l’étude de l’éducation est le plus vaste regroupement de professeures et professeures, d’étudiantes et étudiants, de chercheures et chercheurs ainsi que de practiciennes et practiciens dans le domaine de l’éducation au Canada. La SCÉÉ constitue le principal porte-parole national des personnes qui font progresser les connaissances en éducation.

La SCÉÉ a généreusement offert une subvention à la conférence en vue de favoriser la diffusion et la mobilisation des savoirs. Continue reading

5th Triennial IAACS Conference – Knowledge Mobilization Bursary for Graduate Students

Apply Now! Bursary Proposals Deadline is May 15, 2015.

The Canadian Society for the Study of Education, the largest educational research association in Canada, has generously sponsored our IAACS conference with a knowledge mobilization grant. Consequently, the conference chairs are seeking 25 International graduate students who will share their lived experiences during the conference with others via social media outlets such as but not limited to: Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube TV. Continue reading

2015 CSSE Annual Conference – Keynote Plenary Session

Keynote Plenary Session of the 2015 Annual Conference of CSSE will be held on May 31st from 4:30–5:45 pm at the University of Ottawa.

Félix Cárdenas Aguilar
Honorable Vice Minister of Decolonization, Bolivia

Decolonizing Education from Indigenous Perspectives: Constructing a Multidimensional Justice
In this talk, Honorable Aguilar will share with Canadian educators and researchers some perspectives concerning decolonization and ‘de-­‐patriarchalization’ as processes of social transformation toward a more just and harmonious society. For full details, please view the English / French poster, also visit CSSE Conference (http://www.csse-scee.ca/conference/).

[Updated] 5th IAACS Triennial Conference – Introducing Keynotes

Don’t miss keynote presentations from Vanessa de Oliviera Andreotti, William Doll, Dwayne Donald, Lesley Le Grange, Elizabeth Macedo, Janet L. Miller, William Pinar, Eero Ropo, Paul Tarc, Hongyu Wang, Reta Ugena Whitlock, and Zhang Hua at the 5th Triennial Conference of IAACS hosted at the University of Ottawa on May 26-29, 2015. Click here to learn more. The conference theme is: What are the tasks of the curriculum scholars for the 21st century? Register now in English (EN) and Français (FR)!

Oral History Education Free 2-Day Workshop Invitation

Oral History and Education: Theories, Dilemmas, and Practices
May 24-25, 2015, University of Ottawa

Oral history, life narratives, and storytelling as it relates to education. Join over twenty international experts – prominent oral historians, curriculum theorists, museum curators, teacher educators, and teachers in this field – to foster, exchange, and generate new ideas about what it means to use oral history to engage the past with students. Continue reading