Letter to Members (April 2017)

Dear IAACS Colleagues,

I hope that you are having a nice semester!

I am very pleased to inform you that preparations for our next Triennial Conference are going well. It is the Executive Committee’s pleasure to confirm that the Conference, scheduled for December 2018, will be co-hosted by the Australian Curriculum Studies Association (ACSA) and the Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) in Melbourne. Bill Green and other colleagues from Australia are putting together a Program that will ensure productive conversations about and across the worldwide field. More information is available at the Conference website (http://www.iaacs2018.info) or through our IAACS page (www.iaacs.ca).

I also remind you all that our term as IAACS Executive Committee Officers is finishing and that we will have a new round of elections. Zhang Hua, as a member of the Nominations Committee, will contact you soon about these elections.

The current elected Executive members are willing to stand for election in order to serve another term; our only exception is Nicholas Ng-A-Fook, our current Treasurer, who recently was elected President of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education – congratulations, Nicholas! Fortunately, our colleague Michael Uljens, from Åbo Akademi University in Finland, accepted our invitation to step in for Nicholas and to run for election as part of the current Executive. We therefore would like to present our names again for your consideration — Elizabeth Macedo (President, Brazil); Leslie Le Grange (Vice-president, South Africa); Michael Uljens (Treasurer, Finland) and Poonam Batra (Secretary, India) — hoping that we could continue our work together for the next 3 years in fostering collective projects and further developing IAACS’s stated commitments to continuing development of the worldwide curriculum field.

We are happy to announce that, in our just-ending term of office, members of the Executive were able to improve two of our most important spaces of conversation, (besides the triennial conferences): our IAACS Webpage and our Journal (TCI). We also worked more closely with the National Associations, integrating databases and getting together for sustained discussion of pressing issues during our International as well as various national conferences. For the next elected term, we would like to continue improvements in communicative relationships among IAACS and the various national fields, especially by working more closely with our countries’ Representatives. To support, sustain and further these advancements, it is also important that we continue to have the most representative Board possible. We will count on all Affiliates to help us with these and all aspects of IAACS’s declared mission, both during and continuing past the actual Executive election.

On behalf of the Executive, I offer thanks for your continuing support of all IAACS’s commitments and activities.

Best wishes,

Elizabeth Macedo
International Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies